Clean Communication with Carrie Bedingfield


Practical, down-to-earth and inspiring, Carrie Bedingfield is a model of Clean Communication. It’s perhaps not surprising, then, that this was one of the first principles she developed in her work helping companies build fast, transparent, high trust ways of working in an unpredictable world.

In this episode of #ClearerIsFaster we explore:

  • What Clean Communication actually means

  • How it can transform meetings into drivers of clarity and value instead of mess and confusion

  • Practical actions to implement Clean Communication on a daily basis

Carrie Bedingfield develops and tests ways of working that match the complex ways we work in the 21st century and helps companies break out of ‘command and control’ and industrial era though her company Onefish. She specifically works on things like meetings, email, how budgets are made and other infrastructure that our working culture is engrained in. Carrie is doing a PhD in systems engineering at Cambridge University exploring meetings in particular.

Tweet Carrie @cbedingfield, Onefish @onefishcomms, and talk redesigned meetings @lomomeetings.